The style of animation used in Betsubetsu is a direct transformation of conventional 2D cel animation into 3D animation. Photorealism is not the goal - the intention is to achieve seamless integration of character animation, objects and scenes. A consistent look for the overall 3D is the aim.
Several of the pictures in the Gallery are just stills from the animation. Here are two examples:
Gallery still:
1.5 second character animation example (149 KBytes)
(The download guide time is about 1 minute with a 56 Kbps modem)
Gallery still:
2 second object animation example (369 KBytes)
(The download guide time is about 2 minutes with a 56 Kbps modem)
Using a modem connection, movies on this page may take several minutes to download.
You will need QuickTime with the Sorenson codec in order to play the movies on this page.
Longer video showreels and trailers will be shown at selected Anime Conventions.
The first issue of the completely rendered Betsubetsu manga is on hold. More details of the release schedule will be posted here as they become available.
For further information about the Betsubetsu project, please send an email to