The following application programs were used (plus others!):
- Martin Hash's Animation Master (Wonderful! The main character tool, and now the main 3D tool as well)
- Bryce 2, 3D and 4 (Much more than for just landscapes... but now retired in favour of Animation Master.)
- Paul Sexton's PatchDance (Brilliant Spline Modeller - used for the Poser figure mods... but not since Animation Master became the major tool)
- Thorsten Lemke's Graphic Converter (Immensely useful)
- Poser 2 (For some body parts of background minor characters, etc in early pictures. Now abandoned and replaced by Animation Master)
- PageSpinner 2.1 (Excellent MacOS WWW site and page creation and management suite.)
- ClarisWorks (Useful in more ways than you might think...)
- Color-It! (Superb painting application...)